Transferring Probe for Windows 3 to another PC

If an installation of Probe for Windows needs to be transferred from one PC to another (e.g. PC upgrading, or another user needs to look at data).

  1. Install Prwin3 on the new PC from here, and then install the latest upgrade.
    (Will also install various Microsoft files which might not be on the new PC)
  2. Copy all the files below to the new PC.
    Assumes the software has been installed in C:\Prwin
  3. Run Prwin and use FileMenu/Security.
    Click and email the new PC serial number and RSNE will send a new password.
    Enter the password and

Note: Some file names will be as set on Probe/System

File (in or below C:\Prwin) Comment Used
OWNER.OW2 Your name, address, etc FileMenu/Register
PRWIN2.INI User settings and options - baud rate, serial port, units, etc.
shared\*.* copy all files in shared folder
prwinshared.ini Settings that are the same for all users on a network
prgstyle.txt Graph styles.
Note: Some colours and options saved in prwinshared.ini
graphs.ini Graph axis settings - time, vertical, depth GraphMenu/Options/Global
*.dwu, *.et Crop water use
*.rdi, *.lo, *.hiReduced deficit tracking targetReadingsMenu/Predictions
*.lkpLookup filesFileMenu/PostReadings
*.ksSoil correctionReadingsMenu/Scheduling
rainfalls.txtWeather Regions and predicted RainfallsProbeMenu/Rainfalls
*.ranRainfall scenariosProbeMenu/Rainfalls
formulas.txtGlobal formulasProbeMenu/Formulas
flists.txt, fitems.txtField lists used on time graphsGraphMenu/TimeGraph/List
comments.txtBoiler plate comments for growersGraphMenu/Comments
*.iptImport definitionsFileMenu/Import
*.logEmail, sms, ftp logsFileMenu/Internet
ftpServices.ftpFTP servicesFileMenu/Export 'settings' tab
*.tfrFile transfersFileMenu/Transfer
*.kfgKeydata entry definitionFileMenu/Import/Keydata
reports\*.* Copy all files in reports folder
*.rptText report definitionsFileMenu/Export
*.gptGraph report definitionsFileMenu/Print Graph Reports
*.sptScreen layout definitionsSitesMenu/Layout/Edit
postfile\*.* all post files (if needed)
MDB files can also be saved in various folders - see ProbeMenu/System
PRLOCAL.MDBcalibrations (and optionally farms) ProbeMenu/System
Calibrations.MDBif saved separatelyProbeMenu/Calibrations
FARMS.MDBfarms/growers (if saved separately)FarmsMenu/Edit
ALLSEAS.MDB could be multiple files, in various folders SeasonsMenu/Edit
2000DATA.MDB, 2001DATA.MDB, etc any data files, in various folders ReadingsMenu/Show

After the initial installation, as new data is posted only the season data file (e.g. 2000DATA.MDB) needs to be copied to the new PC.
This can also be done using FileMenu/Backup on the main PC, and then FileMenu/Restore on the new PC.