Probe for Windows Help: Forecast Rain and ET

Probe For Windows can use forecast rain and evapotranspiration (ET) when calculating required irrigation, both for the next irrigation and also for the whole season

The total amount of forecast rain in the next 7 days can be calculated for each site, and the value is left in variable %ForecastRain%.

This could be used in...

The predicted rainfalls will also be shown on the time graph if GraphMenu/Options/Local tab: Time Graph Plot delivered rain: (using graph style='Rain/Predicted' [ID=80])
Predicted effective rainfalls (over FULL = runoff) will only be plotted if they are different from the forecast amount (graph style='Rain/Predicted/Effective' [ID=79])

Forecast ET can be used to schedule the next irrigation - see ReadingsMenu/Predictions tab:??? with Forecast. The current value of ForecastET will be shown

The value of ET will be shown on the graph if Formual with source=ForecastDWU

A Location is an geographic area that ha steh same forceat. All site sallocatd to a Location will us ethe same forcats

Each location has 'Scenario's - rain, ET, temperrature, etc (scenario is a sill name) Each scenario can get its vale indepdantly from oteh rscenarios in the location Thsi allows ET, fro example, come from a diffrent forcast service thatn 'remperateure It also allow the value sto come from historical wetaherfiels - n

Each Scenario csbv file that is downlaode from a Forcast, and its own options teh calculate

A location needs adding for each area, and a scenario needs to be added for each value

Each is then allocated to a location on ReadingsMenu/Scheduling tabb???

When a location is selected, the same location can be set for all oteh rsites for the groeer


There are various on-line providers of weather forecasts. Some are free, and some charge for specialised reuirements

Most require the GPS lat/lon of a forecast location

Sentek users can get a forecast that includes both rain and evapotranspiration (ET).
A Meteoblue forecast location and API Key is required, which can be got from an IrrimaxLive account

The location of a site is set ReadingsMenu/Scheduling tab: Options

When a site is allcated to a location, all sites belonging to that grower can be optionally set to the same location.

Each grower can also be allocated to a location - see FarmMenu/Edit tab: General
Users will be asked if they want to set all sites for the grower to the same location


To enable forecast ???

tab: Locations

tab: Scenarios

tab: Values

tab: Download

The rainfall files are read from the shared\ folder (eg: shared\examplehigh.ran)
These files can also be downloaded from a web site


download file for this scenario

Irrimax download requires the start date of the forecast, and a key (supplied by Sentek)

download files for all scenario's

At startup - download all active files at Start-Up

tab: files

Name and location of files that contains the list of Regions and then list of Rainfall Scenarios
Defaults: shared\regions.txt, shared\rainfall.txt

' attempt to append downloaded data to existing file - abandoned
' file re-downloaded if file date is different
' option download from Now-2 days note: saved in INI, not forecast file
' CalculateTotal - ET - use fractional days
'  append text to %Forecast% [5 days]
Techo stuff
IDServiceAPI URL Values Requires Notes
2 IrriMax Rain, ET Server, APIKey Sentek licence
Sentek csv format ESReadings
2020/05/01 00:00:00,65535,8.97,65535,0,65535,1027.6,65535,78,65535,2.06,65535,256,65535,0,65535,0
Date in Col_1
Rain in Col_15
ET in Col_29
7 MeteoBlue Rain lat/lon, APIkey free for 1 year date col_1 basic: rain col_6, RH col_9, temperature col_12 Time , convective_precipitation, felttemperature, isdaylight, pictocode, precipitation, precipitation_probability, rainspot, relativehumidity, sealevelpressure, snowfraction, temperature, uvindex, winddirection, windspeed Agro package: Rain col_10, ET0 col_4, Time, convective_precipitation, dewpointtemperature, evapotranspiration, felttemperature, isdaylight, leafwetnessindex, pictocode, potentialevapotranspiration, precipitation, precipitation_probability, rainspot, referenceevapotranspiration_fao, relativehumidity, sealevelpressure, sensibleheatflux, skintemperature, snowfraction, soilmoisture_0to10cm, soiltemperature_0to10cm, temperature, uvindex, wetbulbtemperature, winddirection, windspeed
csv format date in Col_? rain in Col_?
8 Open-Meteo,relative_humidity_2m,precipitation,et0_fao_evapotranspiration&format=csv Rain,ET,RH lat/lon no charge date col_1
csv format date in Col_1 rain in Col_2
6 NorwayMet Rain lat/lon no charge
csv format Date/Time, AirTemperature, RH, WindSpeed, WindDirection, Cloud, Pressure, Rain
2024-11-07 13:00:00, 9.4, 88.5, 3.7, 139.4, 100.0, 1030.3, 0.0
date in Col_1 rain in Col_8
3 OpenWeatherMap Rain lat/lon daily forecast for 8 days
needs api key
csv format Date,Rain,POP,Temp.Max,Clouds,Humidity,Pressure,dew_point,wind_speed,uvi
date in Col_1 rain in Col_2
5 WeatherAPI,-0.068262&days=7&key=ABCDEFG Rain lat/lon, APIKey no charge for 7 day forecast
csv format TODO
date in Col_? rain in Col_?
4 WeatherStack,-0.068262&forecast_days=7&hourly=0&units=m&access_key=ABCDEFG Rain Lat/Lon no charge
csv format
date in Col_? rain in Col_?
Standard: $10/month 50,000 calls

GoogleMaps to get GPS Lat/Lon

Blenheim, NZ-41.512321173.959556
Lincolshire, UK53.062082-0.068262
Sydney, Australia-33.856438151.192648
Chico, CA, USA39.695655-121.905637