After uploading readings must be posted
- Post year
- Post file
- Post folder
- Post date
- Estimated DWU
- Also Post gains
- Close after posting - form will close automatically after posting
Date and time of reading
The early (reliable) models of the Hydroprobe - the 503DR - did not record the date and time of each reading.
Date and time is recorded in later models - the 503TDR, Elite.
tab: Options
When a file is posted, the user will always be prompted to confirm the date and time, and the value of daily water use/et that will be posted to the ESTDWU row of the readings screen.
- The date will default to 'today' - the date that the readings are posted (but see ID=0 below)
- The time be the default post time (eg 08:00)
- After each site is posted, the time can be incremended (eg 20:00 = 20 minutes between readings)
- If a record with ID=0 is saved in the Hydroprobe (ID=0, and <skip> all readings), posting will pause to allow the date, time and dwu to be changed.
So if there is significant gap between reading tubes, record an ID=0 before starting the next set and the posting will pause to allow the date/time to be reset.
- An ID=0 record can also (optionally) have the time, (and date) entered in Keydata 1 (and Keydata 2)
eg Key1 = 1445
will change the time to 2:45 pm
eg Key2 = 0203
will change the date to 2 March
Reformat CPN dates. The data uploaded from a 503TDR is in a different format from the 503DR, so the data is re-arranged after uploading.
If the the upload is done using Hyperterminal or ???, the re-arranging can be done at 'post' time.
Creating groups
When readings are posted, each site can be added to 4 seperate Groups Group.
The Groups can then be used to only show sites in a group
tab: Options
- Latest - all sites posted will be added to this Group. Any sites alreday in the group will be removed
- ??? - A new Group will be created for each posting. Any exting sites in teh group will be removed
- To Do - all sites posted will be added to this Group. Sites will be removed from the group when a recommendation is saved or copied
- Today - all sites posted in a day will be added to this Group. Sites posted on a previous day will be removed.