Supported instruments and formats

Instrument/format Probe for Windows Multi-Log Notes
CPN 503DR neutron probe Ok 1 Ok 2 M-Log upload/post with Prwin/PR41
Delta-T Profile Probe Ok 1 Ok 1  
Adcon Telemetry Ok 1 Ok 1 Download with A-link from RSNE
Sentek Diviner2000 Ok 2 Ok 2 Backup/export with DivinerUtilities from Sentek
Enviropro Ok 1 Ok 1 Upload/save with Teklink.exe (from RSNE)
Aqua-Pro Ok 5 Ok 5 Process with AquaLink.exe (from RSNE)
EIT loggers Ok 2 Ok 2 Upload/save with 'Etech.exe'
MEA loggers Ok 2 Ok 2 Upload/save with 'Magpie'
GBug (MEA) No Ok 6 Upload with 'Gbug.exe'. Mlog reads native GBug files.
CIMIS weather Ok 2 Ok 2 Download from
Goanna (Campbell) Ok 2 Ok 1 Download with M-Log (v2.0.018) or CSI PC208.EXE
Decagon Echo2/EM5 Ok 2 Ok 2 Upload/Radio with EchoLink2 software
Monitor loggers Ok Ok Upload with M-Log
Gopher Ok 4 Ok 4 Upload/save with 'Gopher.exe'
New: RSNE utility to convert GOP to CSV
Gemini Ok 2 Ok 2 Upload/save with 'OTML.EXE'
Sentek Enviroscan Ok 2,4 Ok 2,4 Upload with 'ES4', M-Log reads SDB file (v2.0.018)
New: RSNE utility to export CSV from SDB
Adcon C-Probe 2 2 Upload/Export with 'Advantage'
Prwin can read daily readings.
Davis Weather stations 2 Ok2 Upload with 'Weatherlink' - M-Log reads weatherlink files
CNC neutron probe Ok 1 Ok 2 M-Log upload/post with Prwin/PR41
Text files Ok 1 Ok 1 comma, tab, etc delimited
Paradox files Ok 1 Ok 1
Microsoft MDB files Ok 1 Ok 1


(1) Full support

(2) Upload/post with separate software

(3) Not recommended

(4) Utility programme provided by RSNE to read SDB and GOP files and output as a csv text file for each site. These data files also enable the output to be imported into Excel, etc.

(5) Utility programme Aqua-Link provided by RSNE to process DAT file uploaded from PDA.

(6) Upload with separate software