Formulas, Functions and Variables

Probe for Windows can use variables, formulas, operators, functions and constants in various places...

Global formulas

Use: ProbeMenu/Global formulas

Global formulas and functions calculate results and variables that can be used anywhere else in Prwin - the values are global and available to all sites. For example...

Global Formula Comment
SHIRAZFAC = 0.25 SHIRAZFAC can now be used in limit formulas
BUDBURST = #12 December 2001# BUDBURST can be used to plot lines on graph reports

Readings screen

Use: SitesMenu/Edit tab: Keydata

Formulas must start with a +, -, = or @. and can be optionally followed by a colon (:) and the number of decimal places or a format code.

v3 Note: Individual entry of Name, Format and Formula


Name Format Formula Output Comment
Cotton DWU +COTTON.DWU 3.2 Value from dwu file for each date in the readings screen, displayed in user selected dwu units. Can also be graphed
WaterUsed AMT @CUM(EDWU) 134 Accumulated daily water use over the season, giving total water through the plant, in mm.
Tension 2 @LKV(CLAY.RTN,RZ1/70) 56.32 Calculate the equivalent soil moisture tension from lookup file CLAY.RTN, display to 2 decimal places.
but see functions

Upper and Lower Limits

Use: ReadingsMenu/Scheduling Current State tab

The upper and lower limit for irrigation scheduling is calculated from a formula.
The default formulas are UPPER: FULL, and LOWER: REFILL


  Formula Value Comment
LOWER REFILL-20 190 Set lower limit to 20 mm below refill
UPPER FULL-(FULL-REFILL)*0.5 234 Set upper limit to 50% of refill-full
LOWER PWP+(FULL-PWP)*SHIRAZFAC 175 Set lower limit to be between permanent wilting and full. Actual position set with global variable SHIRAZFAC
LOWER SHIRAZ.RDI   same result as: REFILL+(FULL-REFILL)*SHIRAZ.FAC - see details

The upper and lower limits can be graphed.

Historical daily water use

Use: ReadingsMenu/Schedulingtab: Historical DWU

There is a single global formula to calculate the current daily water use from historical data; and in addition each site can optionally have it's own formula. If the site formula is blank the global formula takes precedence.

The value of the site historical dwu is used...

  1. As the suggested value of estimated dwu when posting irrigation's, rainfalls and readings; which the user can change.
  2. When calculating the third predicted irrigation (GPIAMT and GPIDATE)


Formula Output Comment
4.3 4.3 mm/day Always 4.3 mm/day
COTTON.DWU 2.3 mm/day Current value from this dwu file
COTTON.DWU * 1.2 2.8 mm/day Increase value by 20%

Print Reports and Export

Use: FileMenu/Export

Each line in the report definition file will print some data from a source (or calculated from a formula) at a nominated position on the paper - see page 59 for a full description.

Examples of formulas

Formula Output Comment
EDWU 2.3 mm/day Estimated daily water use
EPIAMT 132 Amount in mm that needs to be applied at the scheduled irrigation
EPIAMT*AREA*FACTOR2 2.3 mm/day Amount required in Kl, multiplied by site factor as set on ReadingsMenu/Scheduling delivery tab
DELIVIRRI*AREA*10 2,345 Kl Total amount delivered in kl
WATERTIME/WATERVOL 2,345 Kl/day Delivery rate
24*DELIVIRRI*WATERTIME*AREA*10/WATERVOL 145 hrs Total amount delivered in hours

The output can be scaled depending on the units selected by the user with ProbeMenu/DisplayUnits.

Report output can be restricted with a where clause - for example...

Where Clause Comment
EPIDATE < (TODAY+3) Only output scheduled irrigation's due in the next 3 days
CRNTAMT< (REFILL+20) Only output sites that are within 20 mm of the refill point

Graph reports

Use: ProbeMenu/SystemOptionsreport definition tab to edit the GPT file

Each line in the gpt file can print data from a source (or calculated from a formula) at a nominated position on the paper, or plot boxes, lines and arrows - see page 23 for a full description.

Formulas are similar to export.

Some examples of formulas to plot lines and arrows

X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Type Comment
80 20 95 40 BOX Plot box from 80,20 to 95,40
80 20 CRNTDATE CRNTAMT LINE Plot line from 80,20 on paper to last probe readings
PREVDATE PREVAMT PREVDATE PREVAMT+10 ARROW vertical arrow pointing at last probe reading
BUDBURST BUDBURST TYMIN TYMAX LINE Line at BUDBURST date (as set on global formulas), the full height of the time graph

Graph Scales

The scales for a graph can be entered as a fixed number (e.g. 20 or 1/1/2001), or as a formula.
Scales can be entered...

  1. Directly on the graph screen (in the scale text boxes)
  2. As the 'reset' value on GraphMenu/Options Reset tab
  3. In a graph report definition file using ProbeMenu/SystemOptions report definitions tab.

Reset scales are only used when the user clicks the <reset> button on the graph screen.

Scales set in a graph report definition overide the value entered by the user on the screen

Some examples

Formula Result Comment
FULL+20 235 Sets the vertical scale to be full point + 20
CRNTDATE+10 1/2/2001 Set the date axis to be last date in the readings screen plus 10 days. If this is the reset formula the time graph will 'stretch' each time <reset> is used.
PDATE-10 20/9/2000 Set the date axis to be 10 days before planting date (as set for each site on SitesMenu/Edit).


The following variables can be used in formulas and function for export, import and graph report definitions.

Variable Comment Units
TODAY Today's date date
NOW Today, now (includes time) date
NULL Empty (used in @IF())  
LXA Constant to calculate Volume
Volume = Area * Depth *LXA ( = 10)
All below entered on SitesMenu/Edit
SITE Site number  
NAME Name of site  
SELECTED Site is 'selected'  
YEAR Season number  
FARM Farm number  
CROP Name of crop  
CropNum ID number of crop (v3)  
MethodID Irrigation method. 0=cyclic,1=spare,2=continuous(drip) (v3)
CropType 0 = Permanent (stress=REFILL)
1 = Annual (stress=LOWER) (v3)
TargetOnTop 0=Target is more important than Stress, so Target shading on top
1=Stress is more important that Target, so Stress shading on top (v3)
AREA Area Ha
POSITION Position of tube (0-100)
also emmiters-on-meter
WATERTIME Total water delivery time (days and fraction) days
WATERVOL Total delivered volume
DeliverRate=WATERVOL/(WATERTIME *24)(Kl/Hr)
LIRRDATE Date of last irrigation date
LIRRAMT RZ1 amount after last irrigation mm
REFILL Refill point mm
FULL Full point mm
LPRBDATE Date of last probe reading date
LPRBAMT RZ1 at last probe reading mm
PROBEDWU Latest probe dwu mm/day
PPIDATE Predicted date based on pdwu date
PPIAMT Amount to be delivered mm
ESTDWU Latest estimated dwu mm/day
EPIDATE Predicted date based on edwu date
EPIAMT Amount to be delivered mm
SITEGDWU Formula for site historical dwu text
GPIDATE Predicted date using SiteGDWU date
GPIAMT Amount to be delivered mm
CRNTAMT Latest RZ1 value in last column mm
CRNTDATE Date in latest column (but see DATE_LASTP) date
PDATE Planting date date
PWP Permanent wilting point mm
PREVAMT RZ1 at previous probe readings mm
PREVDATE Date of previous probe reading date
DELIVIRRI Total delivered irrigations mm
EFFIRRI Total effective irrigations mm
DELIVRAIN Total delivered rain mm
EFFRAIN Total effective rains mm
NUMIRRI Number of irrigations  
NUMRAIN Number of rains  
LASTDELIVIRRI Last weeks delivered irrigation v3.1.233 mm
LASTEFFIRRI Last weeks effective irrigation v3.1.233 mm
LASTDELIVRAIN Last weeks delivered rain v3.1.233 mm
LASTEFFRAIN Last weeks effective rain v3.1.233 mm
UPPER Formula for upper limit text
LOWER Formula for lower limit text
UPPERAMT Value of UPPER formula at CRNTDATE mm
LOWERAMT Value of LOWER formula at CRNTDATE mm
SUPPERAMT Value of UPPER formula at next scheduled irrigation date mm
SLOWERRAMT Value of LOWER formula at next scheduled irrigation date mm
FACTOR2 Delivery factor numeric
COMMENT Comment for grower about site text
XCOORD GPS coordinate  
YCOORD GPS coordinate  
RZTEXT1 Root zone 1 definition eg 0-70cm text
RZTEXT2 Root zone 2 definition eg 25-70cm text
RZTEXT3 Root zone 3 definition eg 90-130cm text
RZAMT2 Latest root zone 2 amount mm
RZAMT3 Latest root zone 3 amount mm
RZ1START 1.0.232 Value of RZ1 at first reading of season (v3, v1 1.0.232->) mm
RZ1Top Value of top of Root Zone (eg: 20 for 0-70cm) cm
RZ1Bottom Value of bottom of Root Zone 1 (eg: 70 for 0-70cm) (v3) cm
LIRRDAMT Last irrigation delivered amount. mm
LIRREAMT Last irrigation effective amount. mm
LIRRDRAIN Total delivered rain since last irrigation. mm
LIRRERAIN Total effective rain since last irrigation. mm
ROWSPACE Row spacing cm
EMITSPACE Emitter spacing cm
EMITRATE Emitter rate litre/hour
DRIPDAYS Number of days over which continuous(drip) volumes calculated
RDIFACTOR Formula that evaluates to a Crop Factor (Kc) value text
PLANTSPACE Spacing between plants cm
WETWIDTH Width of wetted zone. If value=0 assume wetted over entire area cm
WetArea Total wetted area from WetWidth, EmitSpace, RowSpace, Area Ha
MaxApplicationRate from WaterTime mm/day
New for ver 3...
DATE1 Critical date 1 (e.g. 'Bud burst') date entered on: SitesMenu/Edit text (eg Bud burst) on: ProbeMenu/Crops date
DATE2 Critical date 2 date
DATE3 Critical date 3 date
DATE4 Critical date 4 date
DATE5 Critical date 5 date
DATE6 Critical date 6 date
KSOILFILE name of file with dwu correction factors that depend on water content relative to refill/full/pwp text
SCHEDULEDWU Value of CDWU used to calculate 'scheduled' irrigation
Average Crop Daily Water Use (CDWU) in next 7 days (DripDays)
SCHEDULEAMT Amount required using schedule DWU
Continuous: mm required to reach target in 7 days
Cyclic: UPPER - STRESS (stress= LOWER or REFILL, depending on CropType)
SCHEDULEDATE Date of irrigation using schedule DWU
Continuous: date 7 (DripDays) days ahead
Cyclic: date hit stress (either LOWER or REFILL, depending on CropType)
ScheduleVolume ScheduleAmount * Area Kl
ScheduleTime ScheduleAmount * delivery rate days
ScheduleEffectiveAmount amount required before delivery factor applied mm
ScheduleQuantity scheduleamt in mm or volume or time or l/emitter mm/kL/days/l
SheduleDWUInformation Information about DWU being used to schedule text
GainStatus 0=allok;1= ;2=above max pump rate; 3=?? numeric
GainInformation Information about the predicted gain text
Value of keydata row 1 in last column
also KEY2, KEY3,...KEY16
SITEREPORT Name of site specific report (v3)
SEASONEND Value of RZ1 at first reading of season (v3)
ALLOCATIONVOL Total volume allocated for entire season kL
SUPPERAMT Upper (full) RZ1 amount used for scheduling (v3) mm
SLOWERAMT Lower (refill) RZ1 amount used for scheduling (v3) mm
Any value on the readings screen can used (v3)
The row and column need to specified eg K3_FULL will give the value of K3 in the FULL column
Specify the row with...
DATEdate row
TYPEType row
R1 - R16a VSW row
RZ1, RZ2, RZ3an RZ row
PDWUProbe DWU row
EDWUEstimated DWU row
DEFICITthe deficit row
K1 - K16a KeyData row
Specify the column with...
FULLFULL (or maximum) column
REFILLREFILL (or minimum) column
PWPPWP column
C1, number eg C1 = column 1
FIRSTPthe first probe reading
LASTPthe last probe reading
PREVPthe reading before the last reading
PREVIOUSPthe reading before the current column
Previousthe previous column (reading, estimate or gain)
R1_FULL Value of FULL VSW % at depth 1 %
KEY1_LASTP Value of K1 at the latest probe reading
DATE_LASTP The date of the last probe reading (but see CRNTDATE)
RZ1_PREVP Last week's RZ1 value mm
RZ3_FIRSTP Value of RZ3 from first probe reading of the season - week 1 mm
RZ1_LASTP - RZ1_FIRSTP Change in RZ1 over the whole season mm
K3_PREVIOUS Value of K3 in previous week
K3 - K3_PREVIOUS Change in value of K3
DATE_FULL The date the FULL readings were read
Predicted values - see ReadingsMenu/Scheduling (v3)
These values are calculated for each site, but not saved in [SITES] table.
The period will start from the last date on readings screen
The number of days (eg 7) set for each site.
PredictedRain Total predicted rain eg 3.8724
PredictedRain_T as above, but formatted eg 3.8 mm
'-' if forecast location has not been set
PredictedET Average ET in this period eg 12.372 mm/day
PredictedET_T as above, but in text eg 12.4 mm/day
PredictedKc Average Kcrop (Kc) in the period eg 0.3729 factor
PredictedKC_T as above, but formatted eg 0.37
PredictedKs Average Ksoil (Ks) in the period eg 0.8724 mm/day
PredictedKs_T as above, but formatted eg 0.87
PredictedDWU Average soil depletion rate eg 2.8724 mm/day
PredictedDWU_T as above, but formatted eg 2.9 mm/day
Forecast values - see ProbeMenu/Forecast (v3)
Only available if a Weather location has been set for the site, and the location has Rain and ET active
The period will start today
The number of days (eg 7), and Total or Average is set on ProbeMenu/Forecast tab: values
ForecastRain Rain in next 7 days eg 12.372 mm
ForecastRain_T as above, but formatted eg 12.4 mm
ForecastET Average et/day in next 7 days eg 3.56 mm
ForecastET_T as above, but formatted eg 12.4 mm
For .gpt items - see ??/??
ExtraName name of extra line plotted with .gpt command: PlotExtra
Extra Number of last extra plotted that can be used in function YvalueByDate()
Entered on ProbeMenu/Crops
Date1Text - Date6text 1-6  
Entered on FarmsMenu/Edit
Entered on FileMenu/Register
OWNER1 normally Company name  
OWNER2 normally Address  
... (1-10)    
NotifyName Name of sender of on notification emails  
Generated by FileMenu/Export
WebLinks url links to all web reports
rssurl url link to RSS feed
kmlurl url link to KML file
wapurl url link to WAP file
PAGE Report page number


Version 1 and 2

Available in version 3

Graphs reports only

(T = time graph; use D for depth graph)

Variable Value returned
TXMIN Minimum value on horizontal axis
TXMAX Maximum value on horizontal axis
TYMIN Minimum value on vertical axis
TYMAX Maximum value on vertical axis
TLEFT Left edge of graph (% paper)
TRIGHT Right edge of graph (% paper)
TTOP Top edge of graph (% paper)
TBOTTOM Bottom of graph (% paper)
TXLEG Horizontal position of legend (% paper)
TYLEG Vertical position of legend (% paper)

Export only

Variable Value returned
SORT Sort order
WHERE Where criteria
FILE Name of file used for export
PAGE Current page number
Cn Value of column n in report
JOIN Name of lookup file
Ln Value from column n in lookup file
LName Value for named field LName in lookup file
UDWU Text of dwu units e.g. ins/day
FDWU Factor to convert to user units of dwu
e.g. UserValue = EDWU/FDWU returns in ins/day
UVOL Text of dwu units e.g. AcreFt
FVOL Factor to convert to user units of volume
e.g. UserValue = AREA*EPIAMT/FAREA returns in AcreFt
UAMT Text of amount units e.g. ins
FAMT Factor to convert to user units of amounts of water
e.g. UserValue = EPIAMT/FAMT returns in ins
UAREA Text of dwu units e.g. mm/day
FAREA Factor to convert to user units of area
e.g. UserValue = AREA/FAREA returns in acres
UDEPTH Text of depth units e.g. ft
FDEPTH Factor to convert to user units of area
e.g. UserValue = AREA/FDEPTH returns in ft
UVSW Text of volumetric soil water units e.g. ins/ft
FVSW Factor to convert to user units of VSW
e.g. UserValue = R1/FVSW returns in ins/ft
UEMITRATE Text of emitter rate units e.g. gal/hour
FEMITRATE Factor to convert to user units of emitter rate
e.g. UserValue = EMITRATE/FEMITRATE returns in gal/hour

Import only

Variable Value returned
Cn Value from column n in import file
LASTDATE Last date in current readings
LOADSITE Used to load and post to a site

Variables Readings Screen only

Entered on SiteMenu/Edit tab: Keydata

The value returned on is for each column

Variable Value returned
DATE date of column
TYPE Type of column (1=Probe, ???)
R1-R16 VSW row. eg R1 = row 1
SN Serial number
RZ1 - RZ3 Root zone total eg RZ1 = root zone 1
PDWU Probe daily water use
EDWU Estimated daily water use
Deficit FUll - current RZ1 value
K1 - K16 Keydata row n eg K1 = keydata row 1


These functions are available.

Function Comments Used... Example
M = Month
D = Day
Export, Import @DATE(\C2,\C3,\C4)
M = Minute
S = Second
Export, Import @TIME(\C5,\C6)
@DOY(Date) Day of year since Jan 1 Export, Readings @DOY(PPIDATE)
@LKV(Value, File, Style, ColIn, ColOut, Headers, Period, AdjustYear)
Looks up corresponding value in file
Value - name of variable that is being looked for in the file eg DATE
Filename - the file must be in shared\ folder
  • 0 = Result interpolated between Values's
  • 1 = Result just less than Value
  • 2 = Result just greater than Value
  • 3 = Result exactly equal to Value
  • 5 = use Period Count
  • 6 = use Period Total
  • 7 = use Period Average
  • 8 = use Period Integrate(area)

ColIN (optional, default=1) column in table with Value
ColOUT(optional, default=2) column in file with the Result
Number of header lines (optional, default=0)
Number of days in Period eg DRIPDAYS (optional, default=7) 3.1.233
Adjust Year - change year if required (optional, default=1) 3.1.233
Export, Import, Readings @LKV(Date,, 0, 1, 2, 1, DripDays) <
, 0 = Style = interpolate
, 1 = Value column
, 2 = Result column
, 1 = 1 Header Line
, DripDays = 7 day period (or as entered)
, 0 = adjust year

				1 Nov, 10
				2 Nov, 20
				3 Nov, 30
				4 Nov, 40
				5 Nov, 50
				6 Nov, 60
				7 Nov, 70
				8 Nov, 80
				9 Nov, 90
Style10 Oct7 Nov 06:008 Nov 00:0020 Nov
@IF(Test,Value1,Value2) If 'test' is true return 'value1', else return 'value2' Export, Import, Readings @IF(TYPE=21,RZ1,NULL)
v3 @MAX(Value1, Value2) Maximum of Value1 or Value2 any @Max(RZ1, FULL)
v3 @MIN(Value1, Value2) Minimum of Value1 or Value2 any @MIN(RZ1, REFILL)
@RATE(Item) Rate of change of ‘item’ eg fruit size growth rate
rate = (Value - PreviousValue) / (Date - PreviousDate)
Readings @RATE(SIZE)
@DIFF(Item) Difference between values
e.g. water used between readings from water meter readings
diff = Value - PreviousValue
Readings @DIFF(WaterMeter)
@ADD(Item) Addition of succesive values
e.g. ??
Add = (Value + PreviousValue)
also see period
Readings @ADD(K3)
@AVG(Item) Average of previous
e.g. ??
Average = (Value + PreviousValue)/2
also see period
Readings @AVG(FruitCount)
@ACC(Item) Running total
e.g. running total of rain during season
SeasonTotal = SeasonTotal + Value
Acc = SeasonTotal
Readings @ACC(DeliveredRain)
@CUM(item) Accumulate dwu - total water used by crop
SeasonTotal = SeasonTotal + Value * (Date - PreviousDate)
cum = SeasonTotal
Readings @CUM(EDWU)
@SM(item, factor) Smooth item using a Factor
sm = (Factor * Value) + ((1 - Factor) * PreviousValue)
fruit size in K1
factor = eg 0.1
Readings @SM(K1, 0.1)
@AVG(item, days) The calculation period (eg 30 days) can be specified for @ADD(),@AVG() Readings @AVG(SIZE, 30)
v3.1.233 YvalueByDate(date, extra) returns the Y value of an 'extra' line at a date extra...
Upper [0] - value of upper limit
Lower [1] - value of lower limit for croptype = permanent/ stress for annual
SiteDWU [2] - value of Site DWU formula
ScheduleDWU [3] - value DWU used by prediction
CropFactor [4] - value of ???
Target [5] - average of UPPER and LOWER
6,7... - from PlotExtra in .gpt
any YvalueByDate(DATE6, LOWER) lower value at critical date 6
YvalueByDate(CRNTDATE+DRIPDAYS, LOWER) lower value in 7 days
other examples
v3.1.233 StressAMT(date) returns value of stress at a date
stress = REFILL for croptype = permanent
stress = LOWER for croptype = annual
any StressAmt(SeasonEnd)
v3.1.233 TargetAMT(date) Value of target RZ1 at a date any TargetAMT(DATE2)
v3.1.233 PredictedAMT(date) Value of predicted RZ1 at a future date any PredictedAMT(SCHEDULEDATE)
v3.1.233 TYRelative(position%)
Position relative to minimum and maximum of graph
X 0% is left of graph, 100% is right of graph
Y 0% is top of graph, 100% is bottom of graph
eg , TXRelative(50), TYRelative(50) 'centre of Time graph
Graph TYRelative(10) - near top
v3 @PI() 3.14159... any @PI() * 200 * 200
v3 @ABS(Value) Result is always positive any @ABS(PDWU)
v3 @INT(Value) Whole number, truncated any @INT(RZ1)
v3 @FIX(Value) Same as INT(), unless Value is negative (phone..) any
v3 @SGN(Value) If Value > zero returns +1
If value = zero returns 0
If Value < zero returns -1
v3 @SQR(Value) Square root of Value any
v3 @LOG(Value) Log(Value) to base e: Log10 = Log(Value)/Log(10) any
v3 @EXP(Value) e ^ Value (e=2.718) any
v3 @SIN(Value) Value in radians any
v3 @COS(Value) Value in radians any
v3 @TAN(Value) Value in radians any
v3 @ATAN(Value) Value in radians any



Constants such as COTTON.DWU * 1.2 can be used.

Date constants must be enclosed in # #. For example, a criteria for a report to only output irrigations scheduled before 1 June...

EPIDATE < #1 June 2000#


+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
XOR bitwise - phone...

Calculation of Irrigation Scheduled amounts

UPPERAMT, LOWERAMT are calculated from UPPER and LOWER formulas

'RDICorrection' is calculated from RDIFACTOR

EffectiveAmountRequired(mm) = UPPERAMT - LOWERAMT or DWU * DRIPDAYS * RDICorrection

Calculated amount left in variables EPIAMT, PPIAMT, GPIAMT.

So 'DeliverAmountRequired(mm)' = FACTOR2 * EPIAMT

V2 Note: SCHEDULEAMT uses 'schedule with', and is either... EPIAMT or PPIAMT or GPIAMT * FACTOR)

So 'ScheduleAmountRequired(mm)' = SCHEDULEAMT (FACTOR2 is already included)

If these intermediate values are calculated...



The formulas in GPT, RPT or SPT files...

Caption Formula Format code
DeliveredAmount(Vol) using EDWU FACTOR2 * EPIAMT * WetArea * 10 VOL
DeliveredAmount(Hours) using EDWU FACTOR2 * EPIAMT * WetArea * 10 / PumpRate LONGTIME
DeliveredAmount(Vol) using 'Schedule with' SCHEDULEAMT * WetArea * 10 VOL
DeliveredAmount(Hours) using 'Schedule with' SCHEDULEAMT * WetArea * 10 / PumpRate LONGTIME