Probe for Windows Help: Groups

Sites can be put in Groups, which can be used to generate reports, web output, update, etc

There can be any number of Groups, each group can have any number of Sites, and a Site can be in multiple Groups

Season Groups are season-specific - so Groups will need to be created for each season, or their season changed with

All Sites in season A list of all sites in the selected season.

Group A drop-down with all groups in this season.
Use to add a new Group, and to delete a Group.
In this season If OFF, the drop-down will have all groups in all seasons. (also Show ID's)

All Sites in Group A list of all sites in the selected Group.

Add Site to Group Select site(s) on the left, and use to move them into the Group
Use <Ctrl> and <Shift> to select multiple sites

Remove Site from Group Select a site on the right, and

Order of sites in a group The order of sites in a group will initially be the order the sites were added, but can be changed with , etc.

Change Season allows a Group to be moved to another season.


Compare Groups

Groups can be compared to check for sites



Groups file full path and name of GROUPS.MDB file - used by all seasons.
- checks and attach Groups.MDB

Groups display order Sets the order Group names are shown in drop-downs.

Group items order Sets the order that sites (group items) are shown ???.

In-group/Not-in-group colour: Colour of site (group item) to indicate if also in the other list.

Show Growers Show growers as cross heading in lists

Show SiteID/SeasonID/Order (right) If , the group items list on tab: Groups will only show Site, SeasonID and GroupItemOrder
It will show all GroupItem/Sites records, even if in another season
also see all seasons

Post Readings - Generate Special Groups

Normally, sites are added to Special Groups as readings are posted - see Post Readings

But if the readings have been posted on another PC, groups and/or can be generated using the last readings date.