Probe for Windows V2: 22 Sep 2014
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Prwin v3 Manual/Help
Notes on upgrading from Prwin v1 to v3
To be done...
When deleting a single column in Readings by right click often the 1st time is shows date as 41365 mm (ie. Julian date) and then proceeds to delete all columns! But if we select No on the final check and close this form and reopen it will show the date correctly (ie. 07/02/2014) and delete just the selected column.
Delete columns - check why Julian date displays.
When entering Keydata the list of sites is not automatically in site number order .
Do I need a sample .kfg file ???
- Calibrations (grid?): (needs vb5db.dll, plus ???
- Access file format (will this be an ongoing issue?)
- Graph axis label print directions: is this the label on the vertical axis ?
- AccessJr: Is the problem moving sites between season MDB files ?
- ???
7 Aug 2014 2.1.150
- Sites screen - re-write, plus edit SPT
- Password - password copied from registry to 'licence.lic'
16 May 2014 2.1.145
- Re-compile - VBP reassembled, and recompiled to 2.1.045
25 July 2007 2.0.139
- ProbeMenu/PostReadings - create new group for each post
- ProbeMenu/Groups - groups can be sorted. Output in sorted order.
- PostReadings save all sites posted as a Group
- ProbeMenu/Groups moving group items
- ImportKeyData posting to a group
- BigLoop - groups handled separately
- Warhol:Dmax() changed to return Long
- Printer - error trap for un-supported feature
- Readings navigation cleanup navigation using OD control; clear form on UnLoad; move edit cell status; shift key; Cursor on PopulateGrid
- ProcedureError change in sensing InIDE
- Events class trace; BuildEventStatus
- EditFarms ???
- Crops CopyCropData also copy zones; restore current crop
- Reports ProcessReport - GetReportNumber(); enable %FarmName% etc
- Events - change date format; switch on global trace
- Errors - changed InIDE()
- Reports(Export) - form unloaded after buiding web site in automatic mode
- Transfer - Trace
- Internet - Trace; form unloaded after sending web site in automatic mode
- Events - Trace; form unloaded after sending web site in automatic mode; change date format
23 Oct 2006 2.0.130
- Events: All forms unloaded after being called by an 'event'. [bug] when calculating next due date
13 Oct 2006 2.0.130
- Remove temp message when saving comments
- ???
6 Oct 2006 2.0.129
- A single printer for all output, configured with FileMenu/PrintSetup, separate from the Windows default printer.
- Command line switch /X - will do automatic file transfer, and then quit
- Printing rotated text - try again
- FileMenu/Export 'options' tab - choice for ftp upload
- FileMenu/Export - De-select all
- Navigation - bug when site not allocated to a farm
- ReadingsMenu/Delete columns - still got problem. All actions written to TRACE.TXT
- ProbeMenu/PostReadings - Diviner problem. Not found. Debug messages sent to trace.txt
28 July 2006 2.0.127
- Compiled on RSNE5.
- Sitesmenu/Import - 'cancel' disabled to try and fix double column import
- SeasonsMenu/Edit - [bug] New Season - checking Groups/Farms/Crops.
21 Mar 2006 2.0.126
- Graph and Readings screen - navigation drop-down has farms in green.
- GraphsMenu/Styles 'miscellaneous' tab Shading between full/refill
- GraphMenu/Options/Global 'date formats' tab new format for date at bottom centre of time graph.
- Graphs - changes to early binding, initialise reports
11 Mar 2006 2.0.125
3 Mar 2006 2.0.124
- FileMenu/GraphReports - bug with command 'colour'
22 Feb 2006 2.0.123
- FileMenu/GraphReports - new selected sites list box with farms
- DepthGraphs - zorder set so that all profiles plotted above shading
18 Jan 2006 2.0.121
- Graph reports - PDF output - default filename based on user choices
23 Dec 2005 2.0.120
- SitesMenu/Import - post EDWU from site DWU formula
22 Dec 2005 2.0.119
- Import Enviroscan - bug importing columns twice; bug calculating EDWU
- ProbeMenu/SeasonFiles - new tab to show calculated values
- LKV - handle lines with missing data
- FileMenu/Export - path delimiter for CSS file to unix
28 Nov 2005 2.0.118
- Groups - SITES.YEAR not being set
17 Nov 2005 2.0.117
14 Oct 2005 2.0.116
- Formulas - @LKV() - 'short' data lines skipped
12 Oct 2005 2.0.115
- ReadingsMenu/Scheduling - Minimum for ScheduleDeliver correctly saved
- FileMenu/Export (etc) - Enable 'WhichSeason' if 'group' is selected.
- FileMenu/Export - Allow CRLF in SQL
- BigLoop - enable cancel button
- SitesMenu/Edit (etc) Tree control - fix of problem when farms have duplicate names.
9 Oct 2005 2.0.113
- FileMenu/Transfer - no error after 'nothing o do' when zipping.
28 Sept 2005 2.0.109
- Check database structure done each time MDB file opened
- ProbeMenu/Crops - Crop dwu formula.
- ReadingsMenu/Scheduling - Schedule on ProbeDWU | EstDWU | SiteDWU | CropDWU | Keydata DWU
- SiteMenu/Edit - save record and re-load after editing crop
- GraphMenu/Graph Styles - remove cancel button.
- Graphs - Remove time and depth graph title.
16 Sept 2005 2.0.105
- Groups across seasons
- Sites.Comment => Readings.Comment
21 July 2005 2.0.099
- FileMenu/Export - Automatic
- other stuff...
14 April 2005 2.0.096
- Predictions, and plotting EDWU/UPPER/LOWER over whole season - bug with date synchronise.
- Graph reports - enable e.g. 'Option(31) = 1' in BeginIf.
7 April 2005 2.0.096
- Graphs - re-set scales for graph reports after doing associated.
- Graphs - Save in GIF format removed.
28 Feb 2005 2.0.095
- Evaluate() - suppress error message if variable not found.
15 Feb 2005 2.0.094
- Evaluate() - User error message if variable not found.
- ProbeMenu/PostReadings bug - First site - EDWU=0.
28 Jan 2005 2.0.093
- SitesMenu/Import - various bugs.
23 Jan 2005 2.0.092
- SitesMenu/Import - Total/Average intermediate skipped readings.
20 Jan 2005 2.0.091
- ProbeMenu/PostGains - date = Today + defaulttime; ESTDWU = SiteDWU.
13 Nov 2004 2.0.090
- SitesMenu/Import Fix of bug re-cursive call.
4 Nov 2004 2.0.088
- Fix of bug with lower limit calculated at next irrigation date.
3 Nov 2004 2.0.087
- Variables SLOWERAMT and SUPPERAMT - upper and lower limits calculated at next irrigation date.
27 Oct 2004 2.0.086
- ProbeMenu/PostReadings - Edit and Diviner Utilities run asynchronous
- Internet - error messages to track dial-up problem
19 Oct 2004 2.0.085
- ProbeMenu/PostReadings Upload from diviner - form refreshed
- ProbeMenu/EditSeasonFile - column widths saved
- FileMenu/Import keydata - bug when sorting filtered
- Graphs - font problems on some PC's (cache HDC, GetTextExtent)
- Readings and Graphs navigation - same order as sites screen, no filter.
- Comments - bug when used from Sites screen.
18 Oct 2004 2.0.084
- FileMenu/Import keydata - 'post same day'
- Graphs - dotted line to RH scale, black axis labels,
1 Oct 2004 2.0.082
- Vertical text problem - option on ProbeMenu/System
10 Sept 2004 2.0.081
- Scheduling - Non-drip - problem if very low dwu
2 Sept 2004 2.0.081
- TimeGraphs date axis - recompile to try and fiz problem with rotate text on date axis
5 Aug 2004 2.0.079
- TimeGraphs - formatting time axis - allow positinging of tick labels
- ProbeMenu/SystemOptions - Navigation - order displayed in navigation list and drop downs
- SitesMenu/Edit - Create site by copying - SITEGDWU added
- FileMenu/PrintGraphReports - selection bugs
25 May 2004 2.0.078
- Gopher - calibration: slope = 3.2
- Edit Site - fix of bug when saving not allowed from network locking.
- Scheduling - change site not allowed while updating.
- Post Readings - blank screen after upload diviner (not finished)
- RootZoneTotal - allow for RZ boundary same as depthe e.g. 0-60cm
8 Feb 2005 2.0.075/6/7
- Will fix list later...
- ReadingsMenu/Scheduling - Upper/Lower PDWU limits global formula.
20 January 2004 v2.0.074
- Note on scheduling remainder of season and example
- ProbeMenu/Update - Calculate PDWU during Gain; Chop to Full; Keep Effective Positive.
- ProbeMenu/SeasonFile - Allow entering dates; other changes.
- Time Graphs [bug] Multiple axes fixed; dotted lines extended to axis.
- Formulas - Integer divide ('\') removed to allow full file names.
21 December 2003 v2.0.073
ProbeMenu/Rainfalls - add and edit 'Rainfall Scenarios'; used for whole season scheduling
ProbeMenu/Update 'Options' Schedule remainder of season; summaries in tables 'SCHEDULE' and SCHDETAIL'.
- ReadingsMenu/Scheduling - Ksoil include in prediction; Rainfalls included; 'Gauge' shows red if below 'REFILL' (not 'LOWER')
Calculation using RPN parser. New functions @MAX(), @MIN() see formulas.
- N.B. Function @LKV(Value, FileName) has had order of parameters altered !
- FileMenu/Export - [bug] first graph incorrect values from parser
- SitesMenu/Edit [bug] If a different FARM or CROP table used a sites could 'lose' it's farm or crop number.
- Import text files (e.g. @LKV) - tab/comma/tilde/space(s)
- Functions @CUM() - [bug] when not updating whole season
- [2.0.072] GraphMenu/Options local - 'Plot Site DWU'.
- [2.0.072] RDI files - skip if calculated critical dated is not entered.
- [2.0.071] DWU file format - dates allowed in date format, as well as formula.
- [2.0.070] SitesMenu/Edit keydata formula - bug when using DWU file in formula.
- [2.0.069] ProbeMenu/PostReadings - bugs with file folders.
- [2.0.068] Fix of bug with DAO version (update new tables)
- [2.0.068] SitesMenu/Import - Gopher, Text, Campbell files (Sentek, GBug to come)
- [2.0.067] ProbeMenu/SystemOptions - Location of files (Shared) - see email
- [2.0.067] FileMenu/Transfer- MDB databases closed before ftp
- [2.0.067] GraphMenu/Options/Local - [bug] selecting rows
- [2.0.066] GraphMenu/Comments - New line bug
- [2.0.065] FileMenu/Import/Keydata - data values=0 posted
- [2.0.065] FileMenu/Transfer - All data saved in 'TRANSFER.INI'; form displayed during auto-transfer on start/exit
- [2.0.065] FileMenu/Backup - form displayed during auto-backup on exit
- [2.0.065] GraphReports - bug when changing List with 'included' reports
- [2.0.064] Post/Upload/PostReadings
- [2.0.062/3] 'Transfer' change name of 'lists'
- [2.0.061] 'Transfer' bug fix; section name changed
- [2.0.060] bug fix of ftp.Progress bar
- [2.0.060] passwords encrypted in INI file
- [2.0.059] bug with 'lists' not saving
- [2.0.059] ftp - 'current folder' drop-down; button to set 'InitialFolder'
- [2.0.059]FileMenu/Import Keydata - no posting if no data (pretty obvious really...)
- [2.0.058] FTP not pre-pending current path to remote file name.
- [2.0.057] Main menu reorganised
- [2.0.057] FileMenu/Backup - remote destination file name displayed
- [2.0.056] InternetServices [bugs] zero services;current folder
- [2.0.055] FileMenu/Import[Internet] [bugs] no files; single file selection.
- [2.0.054] GraphMenu/Comment - NewLine problem (I still don't fully understand what is going on here)
- [2.0.054] FileMenu/Internet - you need to create an ftp service. I have left the old system there so you can copy.
- [2.0.054] FileMenu/Backup - to ftp site, email notification.
- [2.0.054] FileMenu/Import[Internet] - files send/get from ftp; email notification; lists of selected items.
- [2.0.054] FileMenu/Export[Internet] - as above.
- [2.0.054] ProbeMenu/PostReadings - drop-downs for post file, lookup files, post folder (last 10).
- [2.0.053] GraphMenu/Comment bug: working on Internet so check 'build web site' still ok.
- [2.0.052] Sites/Edit bug with depths
- [2.0.051] GraphReports - nested IF/EndIf
- [2.0.050] NewSeasons: Temporary trace
Earlier upgrade notes