There is a problem changing to another printer from within M-Log
You should be able to do this with
, or as you use .What happens is that if you select another printer M-Log still prints to the Windows default printer.
This is a known bug in M-Log - it comes from a Microsoft problem, there is now a fix but not yet incorporated into M-Log
The temporary solution is to change the default printer using M-Log.
before runningM-Log does change the printer orientation (portrait/landscape). Use - you can also set margins.
New ! The problem has been fixed in upgrade 2.1.055.
There are two options to prepare M-Log for a new season, depending on whether you need to graph last season on top of the new season.
For both options use MS.Explorer to create a new folder for the new seasons data e.g. C:\MLOG\2008
Option 1: You do not want to overlay last seasons data
Option 2: You do want to overlay last seasons data
The new data files do not yet exist, and there will be error messages untill these data files are created or imported.
For the Enviropro (using
), the Diviner 2000 (use ) and the HH2/ProfileProbe (use ) the location of the data folder can be changed, and all new data will be sent to the new folder.For other loggers you will need to ensure that the data files are sent to the new folder.