
M-Log can graph data from a wide range of data loggers from different manufacturers - Campbell, MEA, CIMIS, EIT, Delta-T, Diviner, Enviromanager and many more. The data can be graphed separately, or overlaid on the same graph. Data from different loggers, recorded at different times, can be plotted on the same graph or map.

New loggers and sensors created with a 'Wizard'

A wizard takes you through the steps to create new loggers and sensors. They can be created from scratch, copied from an existing logger, or copied from a supplied template.

View and edit data

The actual data values can be viewed, edited, and exported as comma-delimited text files.

Calculated sensors

Virtual sensors can calculate total water content, growing degree days, Penman crop water use, etc.

New: Delta-T Spray Drift warning virtual sensor - see Australian BOM


Data from loggers such as the Delta-T HH2 and Trase, can be uploaded.

Limits, Predictions and Scheduling

Upper and lower limits can be set for each sensor, and the date and time that a sensor will reach the limit can be calculated to schedule irrigations.

Smooth trend lines

Smooth trend lines can be plotted for each sensor.


Sensors can be put into groups for easy plotting.


Data files can be zipped and backed up to a network drive or a floppy disc, or to a web site using ftp.

Example of time graph

Soil moisture recorded at 3-4 day intervals, overlaid with daily weather data downloaded from a web site. The maximum air temperature also has a 7-day running average. (data courtesy Brian Englefield, Robinvale, Australia)