
(1) Set the baud rate and print mode on the CPN Neutron Probe...

Press Read
<ENTER> BDR 300 (or some other number)
<STEP> untill read BDR 1200
If PRINT LP is displayed...
<ENTER> LN 45 (or some other number)
wait for TIMEOUT

(2) Set the same baud rate in Probe for Windows...

CPN Neutron Probe models

RS232 Ports


This note is concerned with problems that might be experienced using Probe for Windows to upload data from a 503DR Hydroprobe.

Testing is done with HyperTerminal, a programme that comes with Windows.

Hyperterminal is a dumb terminal programme. It is not always installed, and may have to be installed manually from the Windows CD.

Use Start/Programmes/Accessories/Communications/Hyperterminal.Exe

A wizard will run and ask for a name - enter PROBE.

Checking Port

Hyperterminal will give an error message if the selected port does not exist.
To change the port, baud rate and other settings...

  1. CallMenu/Disconnect to close the port.
  2. FileMenu/Properties <Configure> to change the port, baud rate and other settings.
  3. CallMenu/Connect to re-open the port.


With some PC's and RS232 cables setting Flow Control: Hardware will sometimes enable downloading.

Testing the RS232 link.

1. Plug the Hydroprobe into the charger.

2. Check that the baud rate in the Hydroprobe is set to 300 by pressing the buttons...

Press Read
<ENTER> BDR 300 (or some other number)
<STEP> untill read BDR 300

3. Connect the Hydroprobe to the serial port (usually COM1:) of the computer with the RS232 cable. Serial ports have 9 pin connectors. USB to serial adapters are available.

4. On the PC run Hyperterminal and use CallMenu/Connect

An error message at this point means that there is either something wrong with the communication settings, or the cable is not plugged into the port.

You are now in Terminal Mode - any data sent from the Hydroprobe will appear on the computer screen, anything you type is sent to the Hydroprobe

When the tests are finished, quit Hyperterminal with FileMenu/Exit

Testing Hydroprobe to PC

To test that the 503DR Hydroprobe is sending to the computer...

On the 503DR Hydroprobe, press the buttons...

Press Read
<STEP> untill read PRINT LP
<ENTER> LN 45 (or some other number)

If you see output from the Hydroprobe on the computer screen...

If there is nothing on the screen but the Hydroprobe counts down...

If there is nothing on the screen and the Hydroprobe does not count down...

If the Hydroprobe starts counting down...

A signal wire (RTS) is stopping the data. This could mean either...

  1. The cable is connected to the wrong plug or socket on the computer (typically the printer port instead of the serial port).
  2. The cable is faulty.
  3. The serial port in the PC is faulty.

If you are sure it is in the right port, check the settings.

Testing PC to Hydroprobe

To test that the PC can send to the Hydroprobe, press the buttons...

Press Read
<STEP> untill read PRINT CD
<ENTER> LN 45 (or some other number)

You should now see the first, header, line output from the Hydroprobe on the PC screen. This shows that the PC is receiving data.

On the PC press key <Ctrl+F> (that is Ctrl and F at the same time). The next line should appear on the computer screen, and the Hydroprobe should count down. If there is no response, it implies that there is a broken connection, possibly a break in the cable.

Reset 503DR Hydroprobe

It is essential at the end of testing to leave the Hydroprobe in PRINT CD mode. On the Hydroprobe, press the buttons...

Press Read
<STEP> untill read PRINT CD
<ENTER> wait until <TIMEOUT>

Wait untill the Hydroprobe displays TIMEOUT - it will now be in PRINT CD mode.

To save waiting you can go to READY mode by holding <STEP> and then also pressing <CLEAR>.

Hydroprobe Battery

On older models the battery is a Ni-Cad, and unless it is discharged regularly it will lose its ability to store a charge (like mobile phone batteries).

Most battery power is used while uploading - very little power is used while taking readings in the field. If a unit is used for downloading for 30 minutes, then it needs charging for at least 90 minutes.

The safe policy is to connect the charger while uploading, but to then disconnect the charger so that teh Hydroprobe will eventually need a full re-charge. Current is flowing from the charger if the red light on the charger is on.

If the battery voltage gets low, the unit will first give a warning, and then automatically shutdown.

Low battery warning

Less than 9.6v - dot to left of display...


Unit shutdown

Less than 9.4v - display shows comma...


The unit should immediately be connected to the charging unit. When the internal voltage rises to 10.6v, the unit must be re-started by pressing the <CLEAR> key

Some units appear to freeze-up, with no button working on the keyboard but without the low battery warnings. They will continue operation after charging.