Probe for Windows: Graph Styles

The style of items plotted by Probe for Windows can be styled - line size, colour, style, etc

The styles are grouped...

Root Zone

The ???


Styles for depth graphs


Styles for time graphs


Styles for Gains - irrigations or rain - plotted on time graphs


Styles for future predictions plotted on time graphs


Dry soil

Wet soil

Low water

Critical dates


Extra styles added by the user


Styling for axes

Depth Graph - last 2 readings

+13 mm total gain in the entire profile
+11 mm gain in 0-110cm Root Zone 1
+9 mm gain between the surface and 25 cm (ie using VSW at 20 cm)
+15 mm gain between the surface and 62 cm
-2 mm loss between 62 cm and 120 cm

Latest[15] Last reading takenLine colour and style, labels, legend, last value
Previous[73]Previous readingline colour and style, labels, legend, last value
Change [24]Change between latest and previous readingsarrows, values (mm change), axis on RHS, RZ1 change, Total change, legend (with mm change)
Wetting[67]WettingFill colour, arrow colour
Drying[68]DryingFill colour, arrow colour