Probe for Windows: Graph Reports

Probe for Windows graph report definitions are saved in .gpt files

There can be any number of reports\*.gpt files, and each file can contain multiple reports and sub-reports.

All reports and sub-reports in all .gpt files will be in the Which Report: drop-downs

Which Report: drop-down

A report (eg DepthTimeCIC) can plot sub-reports
{Sub-reports are like software 'procedure' or 'subroutines'}
report: DepthTimeCIC
include: Header
include: CICBlock

The reason for this is to...

See here for details of all GPT comamds

Each farm, crop and site can have their own, specific, graph report, entered on...

These reports are called: %FarmReport%, %CropReport% and %SiteReport% in the Which report: drop downs.

On GraphMenu/Options/Global 'reports' tab, select which graph report is displayed on the Graphs screen (eg CICBlock),
and which report is printed when is used from the Graphs screen (eg %CropReport%)

GraphOptions 'reports' tab

In this example, the Graphs screen will also have the CICBlock, and will print DepthTimePotato for potato sites, and DepthTimeLucerne for lucerne sites

Similarly on FileMenu/GraphReport - Select Graph report: %CropReport%, and the report output for each site will depend on which crop the site has been allocated to.
Selecting %SiteReport% could print a different report for every site !

TODO: check what happens if the Sites.GraphReport, Crops.GraphReport, Farms.GraphReport has not been set